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Closing Event Highlights for the Migration Awareness Project

After 4 years of dedicated work, 73 info events, and meeting over 2100 individuals from Roma communities in

Meeting the Roma community in the village of Skravena

An IOM Bulgaria team and representatives of the NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF Consortium carried out an information sess

Information session for students from Hristo Botev Secondary School in the village of Dolni Tsibar

An IOM team, in collaboration with representatives from Consortium NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF, conducted an informati

Information session for the Roma community in Rakitovo

On 21 August, an IOM Bulgaria team and representatives of the NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF Consortium carried out an in

Meeting the Roma community in Straldzha - a film screening and discussion

An IOM Bulgaria team together with representatives of consortium NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF organised an info session

IOM experts took part in an online seminar on trafficking

Experts from IOM Bulgaria took part in an online seminar on "Trafficking in human beings for labour exploit

Theatre event for the Roma people in the town of Lom

Yet another memorable performance by the actress Natalia Tsekova, this time in the Northern Bulgarian town

Information session in the town of Sredets

An IOM Bulgaria team, together with a representative of the consortium NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF organised an inform

The one-woman show "The Taste of Life" performed for the Roma community in Blagoevgrad

Another memorable performance of the actress of Roma origin Natalia Tsekova, organized within the project "

The theatre performance "The Taste of Life" by Natalia Tsekova visits Tran and Breznik

Laughter through tears, loud applause and theatrical storytelling that touched the souls of the people in t

Info sessions in Sliven and Straldzha

As the project's information campaign continues, an IOM Bulgaria team and representatives of the consortium

Theatrical event for the students of 66 "Philip Stanislavov" Secondary School

Art is a universal language and a powerful means of communication that transcends social, ethnic and cultur

5 misconceptions about living and working abroad - animation

IOM Bulgaria and NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF Consortium would like to present to you the informative animated video ti

Information sessions in the villages of Golyam Izvor and Kavrakirovo.

The month of March was filled with events related to the project "Raising awareness of local communities in

Information session in the town of Tran

On 9 December 2022 an IOM Bulgaria team, in cooperation with representatives of the

Meeting the students from Geo Milev high school in the town of Tran

On 15 November 2022, International Organisation for Migration - Mission in Bulgaria, in cooperation with re

Meeting the people from the Roma communities in the town of Brezovo

An IOM Bulgaria team, together with representatives of the consortium NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF and the Network of H

Information sessions in the villages of Bozveliysko and Manastir

An IOM team together with representatives of the NNHM- BFPA-EMHPF Consortium held information sessions for