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Expected results

The aim of the project is to contribute to raising and improving the awareness and knowledge of the Roma population regarding legislation regulating asylum and migration, as well as the risk of abuse and exploitation in Bulgaria, the European Union and the European Economic Area, in order to address the limited knowledge among representatives of Roma communities in Bulgaria on asylum and migration issues.

The concrete outcome of the implementation of the project activities will be linked to improving the public awareness of Roma in the fields of asylum and migration.

The achievement of the concrete outcome will be verified through the following indicators that will be achieved during the implementation of the project activities:

  • Number of awareness-raising campaigns conducted - 3;
  • Number of local communities where awareness raising activities have been carried out - at least 3;
  • Number of information sessions, discussions, seminars and other awareness raising events - minimum 36.
  • Number of citizens of Roma origin reached - minimum 700.


The objectives of the project, the activities implemented throughout and the expected concrete outcome will directly contribute to raising the awareness of the Roma community in Bulgaria on specific topics related to migration and asylum. On the one hand, the project activities will raise the awareness of the Roma community about the offences committed in facilitating the illegal migration of third country nationals to Bulgaria and through Bulgaria to the EU/EEA, including the illegal activities of providing false addresses to migrants, providing temporary accommodation illegally, providing means of transport and assistance for the transportation of irregular migrants on the territory of Bulgaria, the dangers of human trafficking and the prevention of this illegal activity, etc. On the other hand, the project activities will contribute directly to addressing the lack of information and knowledge among the Roma community regarding their rights and obligations in case of possible migration of citizens of Roma origin to EU/EEA countries, including their rights and obligations upon arrival on the territory of the country concerned, their rights and obligations related to the right to work, the right to legal residence, rights and obligations related to social and health insurance, access to education, etc.